Let me preface this letter with some background information. My parents and in-laws are more than just skeptical that I won't last cloth diapering Logan after he is born. The dads are so skeptical, in fact, that they spent a good portion of the evening telling me all their diapering horror stories (in disposables, mind you) and telling me that it doesn't matter how much money CDing will save me, disposables are so much easier.
So, without further adieu...
Dear Cloth Diapering Skeptics,
Not only does cloth diapering save parents thousands of dollars over the course of their diapering career, but it's better for the environment, better for baby's bottom, and it's not. that. hard.
What you don't seem to understand is that all those horror stories you dealt with in disposables aren't so different in cloth. And when the stories are different, they're usually better in cloth, actually. For example, that blowout my husband had in Albertson's when he was a baby? Yea, that's a lot less likely to happen in cloth diapers, especially if I'm using them right.
Speaking of poo, did you know you're technically supposed to dump solids from disposables into the toilet as well? Yea, you are. Surprise! (Here's a link that better explains this than I could.)
Now, I know you think that because I'm a first time mom I have no clue what I'm talking about. You also don't seem to remember that I have access to the internet, to YouTube, and to plenty of online communities of cloth diapering moms who are supportive and willing to answer even the dumbest sounding questions.
No, I haven't done this before. Yes, I may be in for some surprises (what first-time mom isn't?). But what's the point in telling me you don't think it'll last when all that does is make me that much more motivated to make it work?
Oh, also, there's this:
I'm not living in some unrealistic cloth diapering bliss world where everything is so much easier because I decided to cloth diaper, but I'm also not scared. So unless you want to pay my bills and raise my kid, stop talking out of the hole you want me to cover with a disposable diaper.
A First Time Mom Who Plans to Cloth Diaper
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