While I've been vlogging on YouTube, I've neglected my blog here, so I apologize.
I was thinking about doing a video talking about this subject, however I found that I'm not always sure how to say the right thing, so I thought I could share my thoughts via writing instead.
The GLBT community has been pushing for equal rights when it comes to marriage for some years now. When I first became aware of this situation, I didn't know what to think. I was in high school, still learning who I was. I knew I was straight, so I guess I just ignored the whole thing thinking, I have nothing to do with it, so I don't need to have an opinion on the matter. Well, I've learned otherwise.
I find myself more and more frustrated by the ignorance of the people against this cause. Not only because the majority, if not all, of the community is born the way they are and it's a part of their brain chemistry, but because people are using this cause to push their beliefs on others and I believe that is fundamentally wrong.
There is a large Christian community out there that pushes back against equal rights for the GLBTs because they believe it's wrong and it's a sin. I have news for those people: from your point of view drinking, swearing or cursing, divorce, getting re-married after a divorce, eating pork, cutting your hair in a bowl shape, and many other things are all sins. But really, is it anyone's place to tell someone else how to cut their hair? Is it anyone's place to tell someone else if they should eat pork, or meat at all, or to have any say over their diet for religious reasons? No.
All of these ways of life, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and transsexual, are natural. It's not a mental illness, it's not a condition, it's not a disease. These people are just like anyone else. I don't care who they choose to love, sexually or otherwise. They should be free to do what is natural for them, and they should have equal rights to marriage as I and my husband have. They should be allowed to adopt if they choose, and should have equal rights of parenthood, too. Why can't a child have 2 fathers or 2 mothers? It's not like it'll be the first time. And yes, I realize the need for balance in a child's life. But I think GLBT couples understand this and really are looking out for their child's best interest. As was said before, they're just like everyone else. They're not aliens.
I believe in equal rights for the GLBT community. I hope the ignorance falls away and I wish for people to realize that you can't control others' actions. If the actions of both parties are consensual, there is no problem. What happens behind closed doors between consenting adults is none of anyone's business accept for the ones behind those doors; I wish for people to realize that because this should not have become as large an issue as it has turned out to be.
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