
Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Moon Energy

The new moon is the beginning of the phasing that the moon goes through.  The new moon is when you can't see the moon in the sky, as if it had vanished.  Then the moon slowly waxes to full, and then wanes back to new.

The moon emits powerful energies that you can actually see the results of.  The ocean tides are a result of the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth, or vice versa.  You can use the moon's energy to your advantage in spellwork and in ritual, and it's fun!

Since the new moon is the beginning of it's phase cycle, it's the perfect phase for new beginnings.  As the moon waxes to full over a roughly 2-week period, what you ask for in ritual, or the spell you cast at the new moon will grow and manifest, aided by the energy of the moon.  The new moon is a great time to do initiations and/or dedications.  It's the perfect time for a ritual to welcome your patron god and/or goddess into your practice.

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