Do you work in a less than glamorous work environment? Do you have co-workers who can't stop complaining or gossiping? I work in a jail. The walls ooze negativity, as do the people inside them. It's like a vacuum for negativity and it infects everyone.
I've been looking for a way to combat this negative energy. Obviously, shielding is a very good option, but I'm not that great at shielding yet. I need practice in a controlled environment so I can build my shield up strong and thick. Of course, I did some research.
I found a wonderful blog post by feelgoodgirl that has some really good information in it about disengaging from negative energy. She talks about imagining yourself surrounded by white light (this is a form of shielding!) and she also suggests crossing your arms when talking to someone you are feeling negative energy from to keep their energy from infiltrating yours. I absolutely love one of her suggestions: laugh about it. Laughter is a very powerful positive energy, and sometimes all you need to do is think of something ridiculous and it completely disarms the negative energy you're combating. When I was dealing with an incredibly negative, aggravating, and downright incompetent boss, my counselor suggested finding an animal that I could imagine her as that fit her role in my life at work. We decided on a squid, imagining all of her tentacles digging into things she knew nothing about and having her hands in "too many pots." Now when I see her, even in passing, I can easily imagine her as a squid and I enjoy a little giggle to myself at how ridiculous she looks in my mind.
As far as spells and other magickal ways of combating negative energy, I've found a couple of those too.
I found a forum where a woman suggested filling a small jar with charged salt water and keeping it in your work locker, or in your desk, or even on your desk at work. Empty it at the end of every day or shift and refill the next time you come in.
Another thing she suggested was to wear a colored ribbon cuff on your wrist to remind yourself not to get involved with negativity in the workplace. She wore yellow because it had significance to her, and yellow holds significance to me as well, so I may use it. You can research color correspondences and figure out what color resonates with the positive you.
The third and final spell I remembered from one of Ellen Dugan's books: Cottage Witchery. If you haven't read this before, I'll post it again: Ellen Dugan is a wonderful magickal author and I love her books. I highly recommend them. Anyway, she calls this spell a magickal fence: fill 3 glasses with water (Or you can use plastic cups, coffee mugs, whatever you have at work). Arrange them in a line between the co-worker giving off the negative vibes and yourself. This is your fence. Remember to charge the water with your intention and visualize the water collecting any and all negative energy being sent your way. Don't drink this water. When you're done with the spell or at the end of your shift, empty the cups in the toilet and flush. If you use disposable cups, just throw them away. If you use glasses or mugs, make sure to wash them thoroughly so none of that negative energy is left over to impact the next user's coffee or beverage!
Good luck out there!
Blessed be )O(
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