
Friday, August 1, 2014

My Weight Loss Journey... Or Lack Thereof

I've been passively trying to lose weight since late 2012.  By passively I mean working out sporadically, making some progress, and then losing it.  Working full time and going to school full time makes weight loss even more difficult than it already is.

But this summer I committed myself to active weight loss.  I read up on some different workout methods, decided on one, researched nutrition, and developed a meal plan.  I've been tracking my meals using MyFitnessPal along with my exercise.  I've been focusing on balancing macronutrients while strength training and doing cardio.  I've been doing some form of this for 3 months.

I joined a local gym the first week in May.  Since then, I've been going 3-5 days/week doing strength training and cardio.  I'm going to breakdown the last 3 months of workouts by weeks, mainly so I can see it in black and white.  I really don't care if anyone reads this as it's really just for me to make sense of what I've done up to now.  If you do go through and read all of it, great.  If you read it and you have suggestions or an opinion you'd like to throw out there, feel free to leave me a comment! 
Here's the breakdown:

Tues May 6th: joined local gym.

Week 1 (starting Wed May 7th): 3 days strength training using machines (the Line), 3 days cardio (10-15 minutes walking at 3.5 mph on the treadmill)

Week 2: 3 days strength training on the Line, 3 days cardio 10-15 minutes walking at 3.5 mph on the treadmill

Week 3: 3 days strength on the Line, 4 days cardio (2 days - 45 minutes on the recumbent bike, 2 days 10-15 minutes on the row machine)

Week 4: 3 days strength training on the Line, 5 days cardio (2 days - 45 minutes on recumbent bike, 3 days 15-30 minutes on the row machine), also took measurements for the first time

Week 5: 3 days strength training on Line, 5 days cardio (2 days/45 minutes on recumbent bike, 3 days/15-30 minutes row machine)

Week 6: 3 days strength training on Line, 4 days cardio (2 days/45 minutes recumbent bike, 2 days 10 minutes row machine)

Week 7: 3 days strength training on Line -- switched to higher reps (20+) and lower weights, added leg press, adductor, abductor, ab machines, 3 days cardio (2000m on row machine)

Week 8 (last week in June): 3 days strength training/high rep low weight, 3 days cardio 2000m on row machine -- this is about the time I started exploring meal plan ideas and building my diet

Week 9: REST WEEK -- bought protein powder and quest protein bars from GNC, and started trying to include more protein in my diet

Week 10: 1 day strength training/high rep low weight, changed workout: strength training back up to high weight lower rep (2 days), 3 days cardio 45 minutes elliptical trainer -- really tried to begin following my meal plan... LOTS OF CHICKEN!

Week 11: 3 days low rep/high weight, 3 days cardio switching between recumbent bike and row machine

Week 12 (we're going to call this a short week because I'm cutting it off on a Saturday instead of Wednesday):  2 days low/rep/high weight, 2 sets per machine, slacked a bit on cardio

Week 13 (THIS WEEK): New workout routine breaking into free weights, doing HIIT cardio on the row machine for 20 minutes, working a main section of the body + a secondary muscle group per day, 4 days: chest & tris, back & bis, shoulders & abs, legs.  Leg day is tomorrow (Saturday).

Not to get too personal on the internet, but my menstrual cycle was off for June and July.  Aunt Flo finally decided to show up today after I finally made a doctor's appointment for yesterday.  Go figure.  That's not the only reason I made the doctor's appointment, though, and writing out my workout routine for the past 3 months is not the only reason I began writing this blog post.

You see, in the last 3 months, I haven't lost any weight.  None.  Not 1 measly pound.  Yes, I've lost inches, yes, I've made some gains, especially in strength (I am much stronger now than when I first started), but there has been no progress in weight loss, my primary goal, and little progress in the overall shape of my body.

I took before pictures at 4 weeks.  I've taken progress pictures every few weeks with no change.  I took progress pictures last night, 8-9 weeks after the before pictures were taken, in the same bathing suit, and I look exactly the same when compared to the first set of pictures.  Needless to say, I am FRUSTRATED.  I get that muscle is more dense than fat and therefore seems to "weigh more", and I understand that progress takes time, but it's been 3 months.  Shouldn't I have seen SOMETHING move on the scale?  Shouldn't I see my body tightening up more than it has?

When I was sporadically exercising, I started an exercise program called TapouT XT (home videos using MMA and resistance bands).  I lost 10 lbs in about 2 weeks; it was awesome.  That was over a year ago.  I gained all 10 pounds back and have been unable to lose them again.

The longer I go without noticeable results, the more discouraged I get.  I don't want to give up.  I've told myself time and again that I won't.  I plan to just keep trucking until something snaps and I start making progress because I really don't know what else to do and quitting isn't an option. 

Even if I have some sort of health issue keeping me from losing weight, I refuse to stay weak, flabby, and full of self-loathing.  My doctor ordered blood work after determining (with a 4th pee test) that I am not pregnant.  If that doesn't pan out with some answers I plan to go see my chiropractor, maybe an acupuncturist or an ayurvedic specialist.  There's something not right and I am going to find out what it is and attempt to fix it so I can get on track and get healthy.

If you read all the way down to this part you're either really bored or really interested in my life problems.  Either way, thanks for trudging through my long-winded yammering.  If you have any encouragement, advice, input, etc. to share, please feel free to leave a comment.  And again, thanks.

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