
Monday, August 20, 2012

Book of Shadows Planner Post

I'd like to start planning for my formal Book of Shadows so that when it arrives I can start working on it.  To help this process along, I'd like to brainstorm sections and ordering for my BOS.

So here's my working Table of Contents:
note: I'll update this post from time to time when I have something to add or change. Also, numbers in parentheses are estimations of pages taken up by each section.

  1. "The Magic Circle" painting by JW Waterhouse (1)
  2. Title Page - "Book of Shadows" (1)
    -I may include my magickal name in Theban script under whatever illustration I draw for my title page
  3. Book Blessing (1)
    -I may decide to put the Book Blessing before the Title Page, but I'm not sure yet.
  4. Wiccan Rede (1)
  5. Charge of the Goddess (1)
    -I don't practice skyclad, so there is a part of the Charge that doesn't resonate with me, however I found a version online that only recites the second half of the poem, and I may include that.
  6. 13 Goals of a Witch (1)
  7. My Beliefs/Laws/Spiritual Tenets (2)
  8. My Goddess Dream (The Dream) (1-2)
  9. Dedication to my Patron God/Goddess if I decide to adopt patron deities.. (2)
  10. Wheel of the Year (illustration) (1)
  11. Sabbats
    -2-page spread for each?  Page approximation is for info only, not rituals (17)
  12. Rites of Passage (6)
    -Coming of Age
  13. Directions, Elements, & Correspondences (6)
  14. Tools for Ritual and Magick (2)
  15. Symbols and Their Meanings (1)
  16. Major Deities or Deities Important to My Practice (10)
  17. Moon Phases and The Triple Goddess (2)
  18. My Zodiac (Gemini/Year of the Snake) (1)
  19. Numerology (1)
  20. Divination (6)
    -Tarot/Oracle Cards - overview
    -Scrying using crystal balls, scrying mirrors, water, fire, clouds, etc.
    -Palmistry Diagram
  21. Color Correspondences (1)
  22. Chakras (2)
  23. Prayers/Meditations/Chants/Songs (35)
    -Informal Communion Prayer (for cakes and ale)
    -Hail Goddess
    -Prayer of the 7 Directions
    -Moon Goddess Prayer
    -Short God Prayer (found in my Mabon ritual)
    -Short Goddess Prayer (also found in my Mabon ritual)
    -Short Spirit Prayer (found in my Mabon ritual)
  24. Crystals (75)
  25. Herbs (75)
  26. Animals (25)
  27. Bones of Ritual (8)
    -Preparing for Ritual
    -Casting a Circle (Triple Circle/Elemental Circle)
    -Calling the Corners
    -Inviting the God and Goddess
    -Raising and Releasing Power
    -Cakes and Ale
    -Releasing the Corners
    -Opening the Circle
  28. Rituals (25)
    -Rituals for Sabbats (may be included with the Sabbats section)
    -Esbat ritual
    -Blue Moon ritual
    -New Moon ritual
    -Rituals for each of the rites of passage (may be included with Rites of Passage section)
  29. Potions/Recipes?
    -Black Salt
    -Lamp Black Ink
    -Pagan Holy Water
    -Red Brick Dust for Protection
  30. Spells (100)
    -Tealight Petition
    -To Cure a Broken Heart (Rose Sugar)
    -To Balance the Elements Within
    -To Banish Negative Energy
    -To Guide a Lost Item Home
    -To Bring Marital Harmony

Note: I may take out the Rituals section, and include rituals with their informational pages throughout the book.  I am contemplating doing the same for the Spells section, however I like the idea of calling the spells section a name with "Grimoire" in it, so I may keep that section...

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