First of all, I'm crazy about R.E.M. Second, the world will not be ending on the Winter Solstice this year. I desperately hope that the people who subscribe to my blog are intelligent enough to realize that the Mayan calendar is a circle, a wheel, just like the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, and that because a circle has no end, the Mayans did not predict the end of the world. In fact, when we get to the "end" of the Mayan Calendar, we just start over again into a new age.
Let me explain:
Astrology is a study that attempts to combine science and mysticism, but it hasn't been properly updated with the shifts in our heavens (read this article for more info). I first learned about this in my Intro to Physical Science class a few years ago when my professor walked into class one morning and announced that whatever zodiac sign we think we are, we're probably not, no offense. He had us do a worksheet that showed us what zodiac sign we most likely are according to how the stars have shifted. If you're near to the beginning of your sign's range, you're most likely actually aligned with the sign before that. For example, I've grown up believing I'm a Gemini (born on June 2), but since I'm close to the beginning of Gemini's range, I'm actually most likely a Taurus. Those born near the end of their sign's range, are probably still the same sign.
Of course, as I said earlier, astrology attempts to combine science and mysticism. I have looked at both the Taurus personality type and the Gemini type and I find that I'm a combination of both. This may be partially or wholly because I grew up believing I was a Gemini and therefore grew into the Gemini personality type, although it may not. I am of a completely different personality than the rest of my family, however. Anyway, I'm digressing into what could be a whole other blog post. Back to the topic at hand!
An astronomical movement known as precession of the equinoxes adds to the scientific explanation of astronomy and the act of moving through the ages. Here's a video that's approximately 7 minutes long; it does a much better job than I can of explaining this phenomenon:
In case you're not interested in watching the video, the point is that we move into a new astrological age every 2, 156 years or so. We are currently in the age of Pisces (the Fish) and the next age will be the age of Aquarius (the Water Bearer). This article points out that we can begin to feel the effects of a new age about 500-600 years before the age officially arrives, and that tidbit conveniently coincides with the estimated birth of Jesus. That tidbit also conveniently coincides with the end of the Mayan Calendar, a.k.a. December 21, 2012, a.k.a. Yule or the Winter Solstice 2012. The age of Aquarius isn't scheduled to officially begin until the year 2654, however astrologers are pointing out that it's no coincidence that the end of the Mayan calendar falls within 650 years of the beginning of a new astrological age.
My point for this whole blog post is this: the end of the world is not nigh, although the end of an age is upon us. The end of the Mayan calendar is only a prelude to a new age, and the epilogue of an old one. When the Mayan calendar comes to it's end, it will simply continue to turn and begin anew, just like we currently do at the end of every December, ushering in a new January every year.
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