
Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I know I don't usually post about fashion, but what I learned today about caring for your jeans just shouted for a blog post!

The sales associate listened intently as I complained about the difficulty I have in finding jeans; then she asked me what I thought was an odd question, "how often do you wash your jeans?"

So, ask yourself: how often do you wash your jeans? After every wear? After 2 or 3 wears? 5 or 6 wears? More?
If your answer was every 5 or 6 wears, you're actually on the right track.

According to this sales associate who claims years of experience in clothing sales and working specifically with denim, most denim manufacturers suggest only washing your denim jeans once or twice a year (roughly every 6 months). This extends the life of your jeans dramatically.

I can see it now, though. You've got this scrunched up disgusted expression on your face and you're wondering why any sane person who cares a lick about their personal cleanliness would go so long between washes. I know, I had the same look on my face.

Here's a couple tricks to keep your jeans fresh and bacteria-free without getting the washing machine involved:

1. Stick your jeans in the freezer over night. Yes, you read that right. Freezing your jeans kills any bacteria that has decided to set up shop on your pants. The afore mentioned sales associate let me know that putting on a pair of jeans fresh out of the freezer in July is simply heaven.

2. Worried about your jeans taking on a not-so-nice smell in between washes? Combine 9 parts filtered or spring water and 1 part rose water in a spray bottle you can pick up from your local supermarket or drug store. Lightly spritz your jeans and stick them in the dryer on low heat for just a couple minutes. Ta-da!

3. When you do wash your jeans, wash them on a gentler cycle in cold water to keep them from shrinking. If you can, hang-dry them. If you need to put them in the dryer, dry them on low heat to prevent shrinking and to keep from shortening the life of the jeans.

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