
Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Nature of God/dess

Recently, I emailed CricketSong of Lunar Wisdom (youtube channel) a question that had been weighing on my spiritual life for some time: what is the nature of God/dess?  I loved her reply so much, I asked her permission to share it on my blog, and she said yes!  So, without further ado, here's her eloquent answer:

You pose an interesting question. Here are my thoughts and opinions on the question of the nature of god/goddess.

My belief is that God Herself is transcendent immanent and manifested. Everything that exists on this physical plane of existence is a manifestation of God Herself. The nature of deity is spirit or energy and essence that cannot be touched physically but rather emotionally.

God Herself is all-powerful, omniscient, supremely understanding and loving as well as perfect, however what is important to understand is that perfection is subjective. We understand these words from a very human perspective and even then we each understand perfection from a personal perspective that is tainted by our own human experiences. God Herself is beyond this, though she is also of each individual human experience because we each are of and are part of what makes God Herself.

What is different between Wicca and Christianity is that we understand that God Herself IS within each of us but we ARE God Herself as well because we ARE manifestations of God Herself. There truly is no difference between humans and deities. Deities are personifications of God Herself so that we can easily relate to the qualities and attributes of The All. When we look at immortality we also understand that we, too, are immortal. Our physical bodies die but we are reborn. Personally I do not believe that God Herself requires worship. Worship is not a word I use when I discuss my relationship with deity. I work with my goddess and god. I also remember that I am a manifestation of them and treat myself with respect and love.

Many blessings of abundance and love!

~ CricketSong ~

This answer explained so much for me, and it really helped me understand where I was having a hang-up in my spiritual journey.  Thank you again to CricketSong for the wonderful answer, and I hope her explanation can help someone else, too!

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