
Friday, September 21, 2012


Yes, that's how it looks when I work out.  Or at least that's how I imagine it looks.

I recently started working out again.  And by recently, I mean yesterday morning around 5am.  So I waited until about 7am, got dressed in my workout clothes, and drove to the gym to re-signup.  Yes, re-signup.  Once the guy with rippling muscles at the front desk talked me into the step higher membership than what I had last time I signed up, I walked my happy butt to the ladies' locker room and put my bag away.

One hour and a half later, I was feeling great!  I'd done some weight training, an hour of cardio (on the bike), watched Charmed while my calf muscles yelled at me... I felt fantastic, like I'd really accomplished something.  I took a shower, remembering to bring and utilize shampoo, face wash, body wash and a towel.  I finished my shower feeling clean and fresh.  Then to dress.  My jeans came on easily and then I looked in my bag.  Of all the things... I'd forgotten a bra!  Oops.

So apparently I still need to get used to packing for a gym visit.  But at least I went, right?  Now I just have to keep going, stick to it, and hopefully get back into shape!  Since I'm already feeling it in my muscles today, I know I'll be feeling it when I wake up for work. (Sigh.)

Well, wish me luck!

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