
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another Blogger's Psycho-Babble

It's time for me to go back to school.  I took a break to give my husband a chance to get his degree and he has.  Now he has an entry-level job.  He's given me 2 1/2 years to think about what I want to go back to school for, and how have I used that time?  Well, I can't say I've used it wisely, but I can call it a character flaw.

You see, I've narrowed down my choices, but I keep jumping between the choices I'm looking at.  I don't have the confidence in my decision-making skills to stick to one choice and go with it.  ...And this is exactly what I kept doing before I took a break from school!

There's teaching, counseling, massage therapy, and then randomly business/advertising.  I love to write, and my mom suggested journalism when I first began college, but I don't want to report all the crappy stuff that's going on out in the world.  If I can't do anything about it then I'll just feel helpless.  I'd love to be a professional blogger, but who really reads my blog?  And who's going to come to me to do a review on their product or however you get paid to be a professional blogger?  So I need a back-up plan.  Or just a plan in general.

Teaching, counseling, and massage therapy all have a common theme as far as I'm concerned, and I think it's a good one:  each job empowers people to better their lives in some way.  Teaching empowers kids to learn and gives them the tools to succeed later in life.  Counselors empower their clients to better their lives with mental tools to battle their stress, fears, worries, etc. in every day life.  And massage therapists empower their clients to keep moving, to relax, to take care of their bodies while keeping up with the demands of our time.

Business and advertising are kind of generic degrees that would provide me with broader options, but what options are those?  Sales, advertising, marketing...  all of that equates to one thing (in my opinion): boring.  The only reason I was looking into business in the first place is in case I open my own business; it would be good for me to have the skills to run a successful and financially sound business.  Although I've learned I can take a few classes in the areas I'm interested in and I don't have to get a whole degree.  After all, you don't need a degree to run your own business if you're your own boss.

My current plan, and plans can and do change all the time, is to get an education bachelors degree and look for a teaching job in an elementary school, or possibly a middle school.  While I'm working as a teacher, I'll work on a masters degree in some sort of counseling, maybe mental health counseling with a concentration on art therapy.  That way, I'll have options if I get bored.  While I'm teaching I'll also have weekends, holidays, and summers off to devote to both the master's degree and my hobbies like jewelry making and photography.  Plus, teaching is a family-friendly career and I want to have a family... when my husband and I are ready for that step.

Yay for ranting and raving and having to write things out to really think through them!  This is why blogging is important to me, it's my own type of therapy... possibly another post later? :)

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