
Friday, June 22, 2012

Opening the Door to My Spirituality

My year and a day is coming to an end.  It's not here yet, but I have a short time left ahead of me for that particular step in my journey.  July 25th will be a special day for me.

As that day comes closer, and with the recent coming out of my spirituality to my mother, I am forced once again to examine my beliefs.  Bless my mom's heart, it seems as if she's trying to "save" me.  As much as it could bother me that my mom isn't just accepting my beliefs, it's actually a wonderful exercise to talk with her about them.  I can say something and she'll challenge that with something else.  It has reminded me that I really need to know what I believe, and if I don't know I need to not only be able to admit it, but to then do my research and figure out what I believe about whatever subject it was.

Recently, I realized that the dedication ceremony I wrote for myself earlier on in my studies is really no longer valid for me, or at the very least may need some tune-up to work for me now.  I've been thinking about re-writing that ceremony over the past couple of days, and at the same time I've started talking with my mom and realizing how much I still don't know about my beliefs.  I think re-writing that dedication ritual will be a very helpful exercise in nailing down my beliefs.

As I do this, I need to know why I believe what I do so I can back up my belief when talking to my mother.  I know she has the best intentions and she's probably just worried about the eternal state of my soul and whatnot, but I'm determined to figure out what I believe on a spiritual level without the restrictions of the Christian faith, or any other faith.

I am eclectic. If Pagan I be, then Blessed Be.

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